We did it!!! Saturday May 30th was an absolutely beautiful day - perfect weather, and a perfect day! Here are some of the things that have stuck in my mind...
- I woke up at 5:30 am (not because I had to be up that early... just because I was, well, awake), and the weather was beautiful. I opened the door to my room and the hallway was full of balloons!
- I remember being really calm all day
- Kicking my dress into place during the ceremony (perhaps not so gracefully).
- Our emotional vows
- Seeing Patrick D. come up to communion on his crutches (and then having my Pat explain to me the story of how Patrick D. broke his ankle... and then me telling Pat that this was not the time to be telling me this story!)
- Dani and AJ in the water. We distinctly remember hearing someone yell at AJ "IF THOSE SHOES GET WET!!!!"
- Pictures on the beach with the little girls
- Pictures on the beach with the big girls, and getting my dress wet with a fast-approaching wave!
- Hiking up my dress and Pat rolling up his pants so that we could take pictures in the WATER (still waiting for the professional photos for those!)
- Being really excited when I caught my first glimpse of the orange and green paper lanterns at the cocktail hour because I loved how they looked!
- We got a group photo during cocktail hour! I never thought that would actually happen!!!
- Being really excited when I saw the postcard table (did no one take any pictures of that?!?)
- Every time I looked at the bridesmaids I thought about how much I liked their dresses, and how classy they looked! Good work, girls, you looked fantastic! :o)
- Hearing our friends laughing when we were introduced at the reception to Kanye West's "Touch The Sky" hahaha
- Dancing with my brand spankin' new HUSBAND!!
- My dad's heartfelt speech
- Looking at myself for the first (and only) time all day in a full length mirror once we were at the reception and thinking - "WOW I'm a bride!"
- The anniversary dance - and Ben dancing with the photographer?!?
- Dancing with the kids at the reception.
- Right before the cake cutting, Ron the wedding coordinator looked at us and said "are you two going to be good?" And yes, we were good... no cake smooshing here!
- Talking to the Quenettes and realizing that I'd somehow agreed to divert our honeymoon so that we have a layover in Lyon so that we can spend some time with them. Looks like we're going to have to go back to Europe again another time to visit with them - we booked our honeymoon flight last night and we have a layover in Dublin, not Lyon!
- Alex D. being pissed at me because I asked her about work during the reception. hahaha What can I say - I was curious!
- Being able to get all 16 Tufts people together for a picture so quickly - and that our photographer so kindly stepped in to take the picture even though he was already "off duty"

- Mr. Messler requesting the Copa Cabana and telling the DJ that it's my favorite song.
All in all, it was a perfect day. Thanks so much! Feel free to comment with your own